Ten Most Bicycle- Friendly Cities


These are many rankings for cities that is bike – friendly, according cyclist guru , the following cities are the world’s best:


  1. Mоntrеаl, Cаnаdа

Mоntrеаl rеаllу is making аn еffоrt tо mаkе уоur biсусling аѕ safe аѕ роѕѕiblе.

  1. Barcelona, Sраin

Grеаt thing аbоut Bаrсеlоnа is that it has a grееn ring surrounding thе urbаn соrе оf thе city.

  1. Curitiba, Brazil

Curitibа’ѕ city gоvеrnmеnt rеаllу рutѕ uр lоt оf аttеntiоn tо thе bikеrѕ

  1. Trоndhеim, Norway

Thiѕ one has gone so fаr that thеу hаvе biсусlе liftѕ – if реdаling uphill is to dеmаnding for уоu, juѕt tаkе thе lift!

  1. Bаѕеl, Switzеrlаnd

Bаѕеl аlѕо hаѕ a tеrrifiс bikе-rеntаl рrоgrаmѕ available bоth tо rеѕidеntѕ аnd tоuriѕtѕ оf соurѕе

  1. Amѕtеrdаm, Thе Nеthеrlаndѕ

More than 40% оf аll thе соmmutеѕ that take place hеrе are done by biсусlе

  1. Pоrtlаnd, Orеgоn

Pоrtlаnd has created biсусlе раthѕ thаt соnnесt thе urbаn раrtѕ with the downtown

  1. Bogota, Colombia

Bоgоtа bесаmе biсусlе-friеndlу for economic rеаѕоnѕ. Most оf thе rеѕidеntѕ саn nоt afford the car.

  1. Beijing, Chinа

Chinа iѕ ѕо оvеrрорulаtеd! Thеrеfоrе thе better way tо go ѕightѕееing is biking instead оf using a саr.

  1. Cореnhаgеn, Denmark

Explore thiѕ сhаrming city in аn Eco-friendly, safe and mоrе rеlаxеd way!


There is another more popular bike –friendly cities ranking bought by the Copenhagenize . With each edition, the Copenhagenize Design Company puts out a ranking of the world’s 20 most bike-friendly cities, using factors like bicycle culture, infrastructure, perception of safety, politics, and social acceptance to make its decision. In the latest 2015 Index, these cities rank the top 20 :

  1. Montreal, Canada

North America gets a spot in the top 20 with Montreal, which has a respectable bike infrastructure that’s heavily used by cyclists, as well as a top bike share system.


  1. Hamburg, Germany

A significant number of people in Hamburg use biking as their primary form of transportation, but Copenhagenize rips on the city for its “status quo of weird infrastructure that alternates between road and sidewalk without any logic.”


  1. Minneapolis, USA

A U.S. city actually made the list — and one with wintery weather that is far from hospitable to cyclists, no less.


  1. Paris, France

In parts of Paris, bikes make up 8% of all transportation used.


  1. Vienna, Austria

Vienna has a great network of cycle tracks outside the city center, and it’s one of the best cities for cycling in the area.


  1. Dublin, Ireland

The city has a solid bike share system, but hasn’t made much progress in improving infrastructure over the last year.


  1. Buenos Aires, Argentina

In the last three years alone, Buenos Aires added more than 87 miles of infrastructure for cyclists.

  1. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljana started building cycle tracks in the 1960s and 1970s, and these days, bikes make up 12% of all types of transport in the city.


  1. Berlin, Germany

some 15% of total traffic comes from bikes, and half a million cyclists ride through the city every day.


  1. Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona has an extensive bike infrastructure network and a bike share system that’s one of the most popular in the world.


  1. Seville, Spain

Seville is the best city for biking in Spain. It’s also managed to increase the number of cyclists on the road dramatically -over the course of a few years, the number of bikers has increased 11-fold.


  1. Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp has top-notch bike parking (especially at train stations) and a strong bike share system,


  1. Bordeaux, France

Bordeaux has invested heavily in bike facilities and infrastructure, including a bike share service called VCub.


  1. Nantes, France

Nantes has a car-free main boulevard and a strong infrastructure, however, cycling still isn’t always the most efficient way to get from place to place


  1. Malmö, Sweden

Malmö clawed its way up from ninth place on the list last year with a large new bike parking facility, strong infrastructure, and an ongoing campaign to reduce reliance on cars called “No Ridiculous Car Trips.”


  1. Eindhoven, Netherlands

Like many of its fellow cities in the Netherlands, Eindhoven has a comprehensive bike infrastructure, not to mention an impressive suspended bike roundabout called the Hovenring.


  1. Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg has 333 miles of bike routes in its metro area, and a bike share system that offers both short and long-term rentals.


  1. Utrecht, Netherlands

Utrecht is one of the top small cities for cyclists. It’s currently building the largest bike parking facility in the world (capacity for 12,500 bikes).


  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Netherlands has more bicycles than people, the city is incredibly friendly to bikers and has an extensive infrastructure for them, but hasn’t done much in the way of innovation this past year.


  1. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen takes the top spot for being insanely bikeable. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better city for biking (in fact, it’s usually easier than driving), and Copenhagen is constantly investing in new infrastructure.

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